Monday, April 29, 2013

DIY: Facial Serum

For the past few years I've been making my own facial serum - ever since I looked up the ingredients of the serum I used to use. Before the first time I made it, I looked up what different essential oils were good for my skin type (Quick Guide) and bought various essential oils along with carrier oils, or the main oils in a serum. I purchase jojoba, almond and apricot.

No two serums of mine have been alike, mostly because I'm too lazy to measure everything out. I guesstimate and figure if it's slightly different each time, that's okay! Also - I will warn you that the upfront cost is expensive, but this has lasted me over 2 years and I still have plenty of essential oils and apricot oil left, jojoba is the only one I have run out of (as you will see). I've made probably 6 batches at an upfront cost of roughly $60. The serum I used to buy was $20.

Here is what I used:
Fennel Essential Oil
Glass Dropper

Step 1: Assemble your products (as you can see, I wasn't TOTALLY out of my serum, I had a day or two left, so I just added to it. Again, I don't have a formulated system for this!)

Step 2: Put in your carrier oils. My first one was jojoba. I didn't have enough for two more serums, so I just used the rest.

Here is the bottle after I put in the jojoba. It's a little more than I would normally put in there, but that's okay.

Step 3: Put in your other carrier oil if you choose to do so. I used it to fill it almost all the way up.

Step 4 (not shown): Put in your essential oils. I typically put 5-10 drops depending on which oil it is and what my face has been doing lately. However, I don't put more than 20 drops of essential in total. This time I did 5 drops of fennel, 7 drops of lavender and 8 drops of lemon oil.

Now, all you do is shake it for two minutes and you're good! I do give it a good shake before I put it on as well. I use it only at night and put it on after I wash my face. You don't need to use very much either, which is awesome!

Tip: Either wet your hands of have your face slightly damp before massaging (yes, massaging!) in the serum. This helps it absorb.

Have you ever DIY'd your own facial skin care? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. hi, I am not a spammer! :) I am eager to try this...but I think I will first maybe try adding essential oils to my homemade cleansing oil. I swear by tea tree oil acne treatment ever.
