Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend Projects: Front Yard

This weekend left me with a tired and sore body. What we did entailed 90 twenty pound bricks, 4 trips to Home Depot, 1 trip to Lowe's, 2 trips to Walmart, 27 bags of potting soil and multiple bags of mulch. Yep. We were landscaping. 

Rewind to April of 2012 when we were house shopping. This is what the front yard looked like:

However, by the time we moved in in June - the flowers were dead from lack of watering and the grass was brown. And that was the way it stayed until April when Matt pulled out the front bushes. Annnnnd I don't have a picture of that. Just imagine dirt, rocks and roots in the area where the bushes were.

But, all that has changed! We aren't done, but after a lot of sweat (and I mean a lot) this is where we are:

Hooray! Progress! We built the rock feature around the tree and around the porch, planted a few plants (we like clutter free), planted a Rosemary bush and mulched everything. Whew.

And can I tell you what an absolute rock star (get it?) my husband is? I am extremely thankful that he is a buff guy. I would have been in major trouble without him. Thanks, lovey!

Like I mentioned, we aren't quite done yet. Here is what we still want to do to do:

Build the feature around the tree on the other side of the driveway/mulch (next weekend)
Get hanging plants for the porch
Solar lights to line the driveway/walkway/in the flower bed
Power wash the entire house
Do something with the grass (sod, seeds, etc.)
Figure out a way to separate our yard from the neighbors (if it's feasible)
Get porch furniture (rocking chairs!)

I feel much better about the outside of our house now that we have that done though! Have you done any landscaping this spring?

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